Miranda Alvarez

About Me

You can probably relate... I feel like i've been on a diet, or cheating on a diet since I was kid. Years of disordered eating, body dysmorphia, and a complete lack of self confidence lead me to high cholesterol, binge eating disorder, pre-diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, ADHD, and crippling anxiety. Then, I became a mom and I gained over 70 lbs. I could barely recognize myself...I was the heaviest I had ever been. I knew something had to change.

First, I lost 200 pounds of dead weight in my divorce and I decided to focus on ME. I started to take charge of my life and cut out sugar. It was a start... The pounds started to slowly melt off, but that quickly stopped. I felt like I was back to the drawing board. I tried every diet I could find and all of them fell short. My relationship to food was crap, and I didn't enjoy the meals I would make. I would always just slip back into old habits and gain back any weight I had managed to lose!

I found that I needed to change the way I look at food and dieting so I could finally reach my goals. One day, like many of you I'm sure, I found myself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. I came across a delicious looking dish and the caption was talking about it being keto. What was keto? I went down the keto rabbit hole and never looked back.

I started an Instagram account to track my progress and to keep myself accountable. Many of you may follow me @ketomomster. I started to figure out what worked for me and what didn't work... After losing over 70 lbs in my first year on keto, I continue to educate myself and help others with what I like to call "keto overwhelm." There's a lot of information out there, and I remember being completely overloaded with the amount of information out there. I've committed myself to helping others on their health journeys to love their bodies, love the food that they eat, and feel good while doing it. 
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